Monday 7 October 2013

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Why Do People Quit Blogging

Don't read this article because today I am going to illustrate why do 60% newbie bloggers quit their blogging journey just after starting 3/4 months. Yes it is reality and I have seen so many bloggers in my little blogging journey.

I have been on this blogging field for almost 2 years and in this little journey, I have seen so many new bloggers who started their blog for one reason and quit their blog for another reason.

I am not kidding with you. In fact this is just the actual fact. So, do you ever think about quitting? If yes then I request you not to read my blog. Honestly, I just hate them. Anyway, I am not talking about all kind of stoppers but most of them are being hated by me.

So, why do people quit blogging?

There might have tons of reasons but today I will mention only known issues what I have seen with my few blogger friends. On the other end, blogging is all about experience and I am sharing my own experience.

Don't have time:

This is the first reason because of people don't want to blog. But believe me, you are thinking just wrong and nothing else. Maximum 2 hour requires to set up a blog on any platform. Mind it, I am talking about blog, not a forum or website. And you need maximum 1.5-2 hour daily to spend for your blog in order to do some SEO or content writing or commenting etc. Only 3-4 articles are just enough to be published on your in each week. So, my friend, please think about this. Everyday we spend our valuable time by watching cinemas, listening to songs etc., so why we can't do blog instead of cinema


Everyone has interest on their favorite thing like football, fashion, gardening or any other. But I have a lot of interest on blogging and other blogging related stuffs. So, time is not a factor for me since I have interest. If you don't have interest on blogging, don't do that. I would say you are wasting your time. But you don't have interest on your current niche, leave it immediately and start doing blog on a topic on which you can write fluently. Don't go for 10 thousands topics, instead pick out only one topic from those 10 thousands topics what you most. It will help you by 100%.


Money is everything. Everyone's motto is to make money anyway. Why are you studying? For Job. Why are you doing job? For making money. In these present days, I you don't have money, you are nothing. On the other end, how much you invest in your business, your profit will be increased according to the ratio. This is an universal truth that self-hosted WordPress is the best CMS to start a blog. Even my each blog (except this) is running on WordPress. But if you don't have much funds, you can't buy hosting or a theme which is SEO friendly. Otherwise these, you will feel alone.


Your knowledge matters. You don't have to be a MCA student or IITan in order to do blog. Rather than this, you need to learn SEO, online marketing strategies and so on to keep running a blog smoothly. But if you don't want to learn from other blog, you are making a big mistake. Everyone is learner. Every top bloggers also learn from other blogs. So, why are you hesitating to learn?

Your Goal:

Everyone starts blogging with a motto or after making a target to reach.
Everyone does blog for making living. But that should not be your first goal at all. This aim is very harmful for bloggers, webmasters, online marketers and everyone else. People start blogging for making money which doesn't help them to make money and thus they quit their blogging journey. Don't blog for money or search engine. Do blog for helping others. It will help you to credit dollars in your bank account.

I think you should avoid all the things what I mentioned here. So, stay foolish, stay hungry. Learn new things, forget about money, do promotions and that's all.

Image Credit:- Flickr


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