Tuesday 8 October 2013

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Should You Hire A SEO Expert - Be Alert

This guide will help you to decide whether you need an SEO expert or not. Think thrice before hiring an SEO expert from anywhere, that may be your friend.

Are you a blogger? Obviously. Otherwise, you won't read this article.

We, blogger, are very talented, formerly said, multitalented. Really, you are multi-talented because you are a 1. blogger, 2. web designer, 3. Online marketer, 4. SEO expert (Really?) and so on. Hence we are multi-talented.

This lines are applicable for all of us but is it true? Sometime Yes when sometime No.
Anyway, I am writing something different from core point. But all of those lines are really thinkable for a newbie blogger.

We start blog for making money. To make money, we do whatever and nothing. (rare combination, isn't it?)

But this is absolutely true. We hire different experts like Designing expert, content writing expert and SEO expert to do some SEO on behalf of you.

Sometime we choose the right person or company to do essential SEO for your blog but most of the time we face different problems due to wrong SEO or Black Hat SEO.

Google loves SEO but not Black Hat SEO. This big "G" loves to show informative article instead of bad articles.

There are so many advantages as well as disadvantages of hiring a SEO expert.


There might have tons of advantages but today I will mention only those what I faced before or heard before from my friend bloggers.

You will surely have a great position in Google Search Engine Result Page which could bring more organic traffic towards your blog.


I know a critical disadvantage more than advantage of hiring a SEO expert. Few days back, I was with my friend in a conversation. He shared his story of his "SEO Expert".

He hired an expert from Fiverr by spending only $5. This is the one and only mistake that he did ever. The guy from Fiverr did black hat SEO for him and did something wrong with his blog. In this way, he almost lost his blog brutally.

Case No. 2:

I was again with another friend on Facebook and we were talking about creating more high PR backlink. Actually, we are good friend (Thanks blogging). I just got shocked after hearing his experience with a LINK building expert. He hired a guy who had to create backlink for his blog in exchange of $100. This is obvious that no one can create high PR backlink for only $100.

That guy made tons of backlink from some adult sites for his Telecommunication based blog. Then he spent almost 5 months to remove all those links.

So, be alert before hiring a SEO expert. Check the guy whom you want to hire.

What do you think about SEO EXPERT? Do share your opinion with us.


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