Friday 25 October 2013

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Top Secret to Earn Double from AdSense within 1 month

Today I will provide some useful tips so that you can earn double from AdSense within just 1 month. Just follow these secrets to earn more from AdSense.
Are you a blogger? Ofcourse. Otherwise, you won’t read this article.
If so, I am sure that there is an ad network, which is known as Google AdSense. There is no blogger who don’t know about AdSense. However, there is a lot of thing that has been changed since past year.
Now a days, it is very difficult to get approved by AdSense. Keep running an AdSense account is more difficult than approval. Once you are approved, it becomes easy to earn from AdSense. But there are also so many facts behind high earning from AdSense.
Earn Double from AdSense

How to earn more from AdSense?

Today I am here to help you to earn double from your blog. All these tips are very easy to implement but you should follow these from the first day.


Niche is the first big thing behind high earning. Generally, Insurance, Loans, Attorney, Software, Hosting etc. niche sites get high CPC than other sites like Fashion, Gardening, and Cooking etc. Therefore, if you are on Technology niche, you can expect more CPC when there are also some other facts.


Everyone is doing blog for making some bucks. Therefore, instead of writing on useless keywords, you should target high CPC keywords. To do so, you can use Google AdWords Keyword tool or Long Tail Pro/Platinum, SEMrush etc.

Site Popularity:

Site popularity always matters. Suppose, there is a big shopping mall in your city from where you buy your daily stuffs. Just in front of that shopping mall, someone has opened a small shop where you can get all the things that is available at shopping mall. So you want to buy from shopping mall or from that small and new shop? I am sure you will continue with shopping mall because you trust that. The same thing happens with you and your advertisers also. If advertisers have trust on your blog, they would like to spend more money on your blog as CPC. But if they don’t have trust on your blog, you won’t get much money from AdSense.


This is the next big thing behind a high earning blog. If you are getting many clicks from US, UK, Canada etc. you can expect high earning obviously. To get more traffic from those aforementioned countries, try to find some blogs under the same niche of your blog, which are from US or UK and submit some guest posts. It is a proved method.

Less is Better:

Do you think that if you place 5 ad units on one page, you can earn more? No, this thinking is just opposite for AdSense. Obviously, if you place 5 ad units on one page, people can see them frequently. But it will give your readers a bad experience. Suppose, someone has come to your blog for small solution and he is getting advertisements more and more times instead of that solution. Will that person come to your blog again? No.

Section targeting:

This is another great thing provided by Google Product Forums. Generally, AdSense shows ads based on entire page, from <head> to </footer>. But sometime, you might have seen that AdSense is showing different ads. This is because of your unusual text at Footer and Sidebar. So, if you want to target ads to show based on only content, you have to do section targeting. How you can do? This is very simple. Just add the following codes around the content section of your theme;

Fix Crawl Error:

Although it has not much impact on earning but you should fix each crawl error since it is very easy and not yet so much time-consuming. Just add the following line at the top of your robots.txt file;
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google

Final word:

However, all these tips are very useful but there are also another big thing that is Patience. Without having this, you cannot earn more. Blogging is not an overnight success journey. It might take 1 year, 2 year or even 5 year to earn your bread and butter from AdSense. 


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