Tuesday 1 October 2013

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A Blog on Blog? Why it is not for You?

People are staring their own blog on different niche i.e. tech, blogging, money making idea, gardening, medicine and so on. But do you know that Blogging niche is not for you?

You know that people are doing to blog on numerous niche what they like. But there are also so many people who are doing blog only for making money or for search engine without having any idea.
This is a collective circumstance that people are doing blog on Blogging and Tech niche more than other niche like fitness, cooking, fashion etc. because this is very easy to get content creation idea as well as the payout is good enough.
But most of the people are starting blog without having any knowledge about SEO, advance tactics, social media promotion etc. Even I also did so on my second blog. But after considering few things, I left blogging niche and start writing on how-to guides and other latest technology stuffs.
But if you are thinking that you can start a blog/business what you don’t know, just leave it. You won’t be satisfied with that unknown topic.

Do you want to contribute on a music competition when you don’t have any acquaintance about songs and how to sing a song or so on? Perceptibly, your answer will be NO.
So, why are you participating on a blog competition when you don’t have any knowledge about blogging? Just ask this question yourself. Make sure that you have sufficient information on blogging, Adsense etc. to start your blog on “Blogging” niche.
I have also seen that some new bloggers start blogging on “How to Make Money from Blogging” but they haven’t made even a cent from his/her blog. I just hate them and nothing else. If you are doing the similar thing, I indorse you to stop that immediately. Actually, you are not doing anything. You are deteriorating your time.
Now you may ask that why am I doing blog on blogging? Yes, after doing blog for almost two years, now I have much info and I can knob some problems. That’s why I am now doing blog on Blogging niche.
Hope you have enjoyed this article. I just want to know your opinion. What do you think about present newbies who are starting blog on blogging? 


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