Friday 25 October 2013

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How to Increase Your Blog traffic by 300%

These small but useful tips would help you to increase your blog traffic by almost 300% percent. All method are proved and easy to implement.

Starting a blog is very easy and not yet so much time-consuming. Just register a domain at BigRock or GoDaddy, buy hosting from Hostgator or InMotion or anywhere else and map them to get started. Only 30 minutes are enough to do everything.
Increase Your Blog traffic by 300%

Nevertheless, keep going with a blog is just opposite of starting. Means, there are so many vicissitudes in every step. Three Google Animals i.e. Google Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird have reduced our (bloggers) sleeping time a lot. Still you should not give up. Keep blogging, success will start following.

How to increase your blog traffic?

There are tons of methods to be done in order to grab more visitors. On the other end, you should do blog for your readers, not for search engine. The latest change of Google Analytics, removing of Keyword, has confirmed that SEO is no more.

Write Epic Content:

Write Epic Content

Content is the king for all the time. Write more but before writing, start researching for your post, do keyword research to get high search keywords. Try to write articles in FAQ style. If you have ever read any FAQ page of any blog, I am sure that you are known to the writing style. However, read again any FAQ page to know more about the style. This is the only writing style that could attract more visitors.

Use Long Tail Keyword:

This is quite easy to target a long tail keyword instead of a short keyword. I cannot think to write a post without Long Tail Pro. You can also make use of this beautiful tool for keyword research.

Simple theme, simple navigation:

No matter if you are using WordPress or BlogSpot, try to use a simple theme, which has easy navigation. If you are using a theme, which has no navigation menu bar, it will be bit difficult to find out the main topics of your blog. Simple theme provides great user experience.

Reduce Page Loading Time:

Suppose, you are trying to find something through Google search engine. You have entered the keyword, got results (as usual). Now you have clicked a link and waiting for a few while because of it’s high page loading time. Would you like to open that site again to get the solution even when the problem is big? My answer will be NO. So, try to reduce your page loading time effectively.

Social Media:

increase visitor

Now days, only few people are using Google AdWords. Rather that AdWords, now people are using Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus etc. to attract more visitors. However, you should apply different strategy and timing to determine, which is the perfect time for sharing post on different social networking websites.

Give Free Stuffs Away:

Create a great landing page and try to give something away to your readers to reading articles via newsletter. It will surely help you a lot to get your visitors back.


Interlinking your posts is great. Nevertheless, your interlinking strategy should be relevant to your keyword. However, don’t try to cover your article only with affiliate links instead of your own content.

Final Word:

The last thing that I would suggest is patience. It is must for a newbie blogger to get success.
"Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome", said by Arthur Ashe


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