Upgrade Your Blog to the next level with Versed SEO.

Following Things are included in every post :-

  • SEO Guides and Tutorials
  • Some Less Known Steps to be a Better Blog
  • Make "Earn Money" Easier not for Some People but for *Everyone*

Sunday 17 August 2014

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Looks great, sounds great, works great

One hardware difference, the Remix's 4.5-inch display has a 720p HD screen versus to the M8's larger 1080p display, but photos, text, and video still looked clear and sharp. In comparison, the Remix's 326ppi display shares the same pixel density as Apple's iPhone 5S.

You'll find a 5-megapixel shooter on the front, a 13-megapixel camera on the back, a nano-SIM card tray on the left, and a microSD card tray on the right. The latter two pop open with the help of an included tool (but a paperclip tip or earring back will work just as well.) A sealed phone, there's no getting to the Remix's 2,100mAh embedded battery.

This is H2 Tag

One hardware difference, the Remix's 4.5-inch display has a 720p HD screen versus to the M8's larger 1080p display, but photos, text, and video still looked clear and sharp. In comparison, the Remix's 326ppi display shares the same pixel density as Apple's iPhone 5S.

You'll find a 5-megapixel shooter on the front, a 13-megapixel camera on the back, a nano-SIM card tray on the left, and a microSD card tray on the right. The latter two pop open with the help of an included tool (but a paperclip tip or earring back will work just as well.) A sealed phone, there's no getting to the Remix's 2,100mAh embedded battery.

One hardware difference, the Remix's 4.5-inch display has a 720p HD screen versus to the M8's larger 1080p display, but photos, text, and video still looked clear and sharp. In comparison, the Remix's 326ppi display shares the same pixel density as Apple's iPhone 5S.

You'll find a 5-megapixel shooter on the front, a 13-megapixel camera on the back, a nano-SIM card tray on the left, and a microSD card tray on the right. The latter two pop open with the help of an included tool (but a paperclip tip or earring back will work just as well.) A sealed phone, there's no getting to the Remix's 2,100mAh embedded battery.

This is H3 Tag

One hardware difference, the Remix's 4.5-inch display has a 720p HD screen versus to the M8's larger 1080p display, but photos, text, and video still looked clear and sharp. In comparison, the Remix's 326ppi display shares the same pixel density as Apple's iPhone 5S.

You'll find a 5-megapixel shooter on the front, a 13-megapixel camera on the back, a nano-SIM card tray on the left, and a microSD card tray on the right. The latter two pop open with the help of an included tool (but a paperclip tip or earring back will work just as well.) A sealed phone, there's no getting to the Remix's 2,100mAh embedded battery.

One hardware difference, the Remix's 4.5-inch display has a 720p HD screen versus to the M8's larger 1080p display, but photos, text, and video still looked clear and sharp. In comparison, the Remix's 326ppi display shares the same pixel density as Apple's iPhone 5S.

You'll find a 5-megapixel shooter on the front, a 13-megapixel camera on the back, a nano-SIM card tray on the left, and a microSD card tray on the right. The latter two pop open with the help of an included tool (but a paperclip tip or earring back will work just as well.) A sealed phone, there's no getting to the Remix's 2,100mAh embedded battery.

One hardware difference, the Remix's 4.5-inch display has a 720p HD screen versus to the M8's larger 1080p display, but photos, text, and video still looked clear and sharp. In comparison, the Remix's 326ppi display shares the same pixel density as Apple's iPhone 5S.

You'll find a 5-megapixel shooter on the front, a 13-megapixel camera on the back, a nano-SIM card tray on the left, and a microSD card tray on the right. The latter two pop open with the help of an included tool (but a paperclip tip or earring back will work just as well.) A sealed phone, there's no getting to the Remix's 2,100mAh embedded battery.

Wednesday 30 October 2013

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A Beautiful Feedburner Subscribe Box for Blogger and WordPress [with HTMl & CSS]

Today I am going to introduce such a great and good-looking Feedburner subscription box for Google Blogger and WordPress, which has been developed using only HTML and CSS.

Are you a blogger? Obviously. Otherwise, you will not be here. Isn’t it?
You know that Feedburner is a free and essential service, provided by Google, to serve your newsletter to your subscribers. There is only few blogs, which are not using this service.

Subscribe to our Newsletter to Get free Tutorials

 If you are using Google Blogger or self-hosted WordPress and looking for a beautiful Feedburner opt-in widget, this little subscription will help you surely.
A Beautiful Feedburner Subscribe Box for Blogger and WordPress

Although Feedburner provides a subscription for everyone, I just developed it. I am using this tool for a long while now on my technology blog and result is pretty good. Finally, I am able to attract 200 subscribers within 1.5 month towards my blog.

How you can add this subscription box?

This subscription box is for sidebar and perfect for responsive themes. Just copy the following lines of code and paste it at that place, where you would like to display this box.
<form style="border:1px solid #ccc;padding:3px;text-align:center; background: url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiWW2MtqLVAU2-GjUfiLNZ0CzDOO5zHlPL2kJMY4Q0mp3WI7lPucGOBZOpcVMkjFLKnLDaBCRD3uvHXS16we_bBCzktPsWORX2hkj48EJ2fdWptSLtniRWm2Sc5YbpFpWgXWWxVWteL9lhC/s617/subscribe-ribbon.png) no-repeat top;" action="http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify" method="post" target="popupwindow" onsubmit="window.open('http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=bitblogging', target="_blank', 'scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520');return true"><b>Subscribe to our Newsletter to Get free Tutorials</b><p><input type="text" style="width:140px" name="email"/></p><input type="hidden" value="bitblogging" name="uri"/><input type="hidden" name="loc" value="en_US"/><input type="submit" value="Get It" />
Just replace bitblogging with your own feed unique ID.
Now save your settings. That’s is all! If you have any problem during adding, feel free and do let me know your problem.

Saturday 26 October 2013

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Why You are not Making Money from Your Blog

This article will help you to come to know your faults for that you are not making money from your blog even after writing tons of great articles.
You know that previously I mentioned blogging is not an easy game. Just writing tons of articles is not sufficient to make money from your blog. There are lot of tricks and facts behind earning money from your blog.
Why You are not Making Money from Your Blog

How to earn money from blog?

Most of the newbie bloggers cannot make money from their blog because of their own problems. Nevertheless, you can obviously solve the problem when most of you cannot determine what the actual problem is.

Choose best Ad Network:

There are so many ways to make money from your blog i.e. Direct Ads, AdSense, Affiliate Marketing etc. However, you should decide which the best is for you.
No matter which ad network you are using, but you need patience to implement ads. Although AdSense sometime approved a baby blog but I don’t recommend you to apply for AdSense without having at least 2500 page views per days. Otherwise, that will be needless.
On the other end, don’t add tons of affiliate links on one page. You should also aware of your niche. Your affiliate product should be relevant to your niche.

Blog is not trusted:

When you are coping content from other blog, your blog won’t be trustworthy to your advertisers. So, be yourself at first and write what you are passionate about. Don’t write what you don’t know. It will be helpful for you, for sure.

Don’t have a plan:

You should realize the fact that blog doesn’t make money, business does and every kind of business has a plan. You must create a plan for your business. Do you ever think that a film director can create a film without having a script and proper plan? Even a football coach always try to convince his players about the entire game plan. Treat your blog like a business; create a plan for your business.

Forget hark work, do smart work:

You know that the online shopping trends is much higher than offline shopping. So, every person would like buy a stuff from FlipKart, EBay etc. instead of local shopping mall. In this way, we are saving our time as well as some money since we get coupon code to buy something online. That is called Smart Work. Just like this, try to do smart blogging, not hard blogging.

Final word:

You can apply several thing to earn more with your blog but you need patience. That is it. 

Friday 25 October 2013

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Top Secret to Earn Double from AdSense within 1 month

Today I will provide some useful tips so that you can earn double from AdSense within just 1 month. Just follow these secrets to earn more from AdSense.
Are you a blogger? Ofcourse. Otherwise, you won’t read this article.
If so, I am sure that there is an ad network, which is known as Google AdSense. There is no blogger who don’t know about AdSense. However, there is a lot of thing that has been changed since past year.
Now a days, it is very difficult to get approved by AdSense. Keep running an AdSense account is more difficult than approval. Once you are approved, it becomes easy to earn from AdSense. But there are also so many facts behind high earning from AdSense.
Earn Double from AdSense

How to earn more from AdSense?

Today I am here to help you to earn double from your blog. All these tips are very easy to implement but you should follow these from the first day.


Niche is the first big thing behind high earning. Generally, Insurance, Loans, Attorney, Software, Hosting etc. niche sites get high CPC than other sites like Fashion, Gardening, and Cooking etc. Therefore, if you are on Technology niche, you can expect more CPC when there are also some other facts.


Everyone is doing blog for making some bucks. Therefore, instead of writing on useless keywords, you should target high CPC keywords. To do so, you can use Google AdWords Keyword tool or Long Tail Pro/Platinum, SEMrush etc.

Site Popularity:

Site popularity always matters. Suppose, there is a big shopping mall in your city from where you buy your daily stuffs. Just in front of that shopping mall, someone has opened a small shop where you can get all the things that is available at shopping mall. So you want to buy from shopping mall or from that small and new shop? I am sure you will continue with shopping mall because you trust that. The same thing happens with you and your advertisers also. If advertisers have trust on your blog, they would like to spend more money on your blog as CPC. But if they don’t have trust on your blog, you won’t get much money from AdSense.


This is the next big thing behind a high earning blog. If you are getting many clicks from US, UK, Canada etc. you can expect high earning obviously. To get more traffic from those aforementioned countries, try to find some blogs under the same niche of your blog, which are from US or UK and submit some guest posts. It is a proved method.

Less is Better:

Do you think that if you place 5 ad units on one page, you can earn more? No, this thinking is just opposite for AdSense. Obviously, if you place 5 ad units on one page, people can see them frequently. But it will give your readers a bad experience. Suppose, someone has come to your blog for small solution and he is getting advertisements more and more times instead of that solution. Will that person come to your blog again? No.

Section targeting:

This is another great thing provided by Google Product Forums. Generally, AdSense shows ads based on entire page, from <head> to </footer>. But sometime, you might have seen that AdSense is showing different ads. This is because of your unusual text at Footer and Sidebar. So, if you want to target ads to show based on only content, you have to do section targeting. How you can do? This is very simple. Just add the following codes around the content section of your theme;

Fix Crawl Error:

Although it has not much impact on earning but you should fix each crawl error since it is very easy and not yet so much time-consuming. Just add the following line at the top of your robots.txt file;
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google

Final word:

However, all these tips are very useful but there are also another big thing that is Patience. Without having this, you cannot earn more. Blogging is not an overnight success journey. It might take 1 year, 2 year or even 5 year to earn your bread and butter from AdSense. 
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How to Increase Your Blog traffic by 300%

These small but useful tips would help you to increase your blog traffic by almost 300% percent. All method are proved and easy to implement.

Starting a blog is very easy and not yet so much time-consuming. Just register a domain at BigRock or GoDaddy, buy hosting from Hostgator or InMotion or anywhere else and map them to get started. Only 30 minutes are enough to do everything.
Increase Your Blog traffic by 300%

Nevertheless, keep going with a blog is just opposite of starting. Means, there are so many vicissitudes in every step. Three Google Animals i.e. Google Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird have reduced our (bloggers) sleeping time a lot. Still you should not give up. Keep blogging, success will start following.

How to increase your blog traffic?

There are tons of methods to be done in order to grab more visitors. On the other end, you should do blog for your readers, not for search engine. The latest change of Google Analytics, removing of Keyword, has confirmed that SEO is no more.

Write Epic Content:

Write Epic Content

Content is the king for all the time. Write more but before writing, start researching for your post, do keyword research to get high search keywords. Try to write articles in FAQ style. If you have ever read any FAQ page of any blog, I am sure that you are known to the writing style. However, read again any FAQ page to know more about the style. This is the only writing style that could attract more visitors.

Use Long Tail Keyword:

This is quite easy to target a long tail keyword instead of a short keyword. I cannot think to write a post without Long Tail Pro. You can also make use of this beautiful tool for keyword research.

Simple theme, simple navigation:

No matter if you are using WordPress or BlogSpot, try to use a simple theme, which has easy navigation. If you are using a theme, which has no navigation menu bar, it will be bit difficult to find out the main topics of your blog. Simple theme provides great user experience.

Reduce Page Loading Time:

Suppose, you are trying to find something through Google search engine. You have entered the keyword, got results (as usual). Now you have clicked a link and waiting for a few while because of it’s high page loading time. Would you like to open that site again to get the solution even when the problem is big? My answer will be NO. So, try to reduce your page loading time effectively.

Social Media:

increase visitor

Now days, only few people are using Google AdWords. Rather that AdWords, now people are using Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus etc. to attract more visitors. However, you should apply different strategy and timing to determine, which is the perfect time for sharing post on different social networking websites.

Give Free Stuffs Away:

Create a great landing page and try to give something away to your readers to reading articles via newsletter. It will surely help you a lot to get your visitors back.


Interlinking your posts is great. Nevertheless, your interlinking strategy should be relevant to your keyword. However, don’t try to cover your article only with affiliate links instead of your own content.

Final Word:

The last thing that I would suggest is patience. It is must for a newbie blogger to get success.
"Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome", said by Arthur Ashe
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First Mistake of Every New Blogger

Do you know that every new blogger makes a mistake and the result is very harmful for his/her website and obviously him/her? Today I will tell you even more about the mistake.

You know that blogging is the simplest way to share what you are thinking now. In initial days, it is looking like an easy game but you will get the original fact after few days of starting blogging when Google's animals i.e. Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird will reveal their real face.
First Mistake of Every New Blogger
That is a long-term story that most of the bloggers do not face because of their mistake. 
You know that self-hosted WordPress blog is the best CMS ever to start blogging. On the other end, hackers always target these blogs by doing different attractive things. 
WordPress is popular for its tremendous gallery of Theme and Plugin. Hackers just make use of this opportunity.

What is the mistake of new bloggers?

Even though WordPress itself provides tons of themes and plugins, there are also some other theme providers who provide great looking SEO friendly themes.
Some pro bloggers use those themes e.g. Genesis, Thesis etc. However, new bloggers try to use that theme from a third party website without buying. Sometime, they use different torrent sites to get themes and plugins. What newbie bloggers make that mistake frequently.

Why they use that?

If you are a blogger, I am bit sure that you know who Amit Agarwal is. Amit Agarwal is the first professional blogger from India who writes Digital Inspiration. He is using Elemin, which is being developed by Themify. That is simple, good-looking, SEO friendly WordPress theme. 
First Mistake of Every New Blogger

Therefore, obviously new bloggers wants to set a good theme, which could fulfil previously mentioned requirements. Hence, they choose the same theme by thinking that the theme will be great as the India's number 1 blog is using. Just after getting the name, 100% bloggers make search on Google and the result is very bad. You will get 3-4 original theme link which costs $60(like around) and other links will encourage you to download that theme free.
Who else don't want to get something free which prices almost $60? 
That is the reason for that newbie bloggers try to use that kind of theme.
The same thing happens with plugin also.

What is the result of using pirated theme and plugin?

As said before, the result is very harmful. Just try to understand that why someone provides free stuffs which costs $60. Obviously, there should have any reason. If you can think that before using those plugins or themes, you can protect your site from being hacked by the theme provider.

Final Word

I just want to say that don't use any pirated theme or plugin on any of your blogs. The result is very harmful which may pause your blogging journey. 
There are also tons of free themes, plugins that could fulfil your requirements. I have suffered from the aforementioned problem i.e. hacking. My first technology blog was hacked by someone after using pirated Elemin theme. So, be aware and happy blogging.

Friday 18 October 2013

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Why You Should Join a Private Forum

Joining to a private forum is always beneficial since you will get tons of additional things which are beyond your imagination.

You know that there are tons of private forums that require few dollar to join. There are also thousands of forums for public where you don't have to spend money to call yourself as a member.

But do you ever think that why someone is going to join to a private forum instead of public forum where he/she doesn't have to pay even a cent? I think yes. Is it is so, then you might tried to find out the answer. isn't it?

I have joined more than 10 forums on technology stuffs, WordPress and more others and all of them were free. But never joined to a private forum by spending some bucks. I was thinking that it was needless to spend money for only joining to a forum where some tutorials are waiting for me.

But few days back, I realized that "if you are not spending money for your knowledge, you are doing nothing. If you are not spending money for your knowledge, you are not learning that." It is true - at least for me.

SO, after getting some info about some private forums from my blogger friends on Facebook, I joined to a forum. It was $99 per six months. But after joining to that forum (I don't want to reveal the forum name), I have learnt so many things about SEO and WordPress that is unavailable on the web on any website or blog.

So, why you should join private forum?

It will be better if I say why someone should join to private forum. So, here are some points which indicates that you should also join.

Valuable stuffs are not free:

Let's say you are doing blogging on WordPress (self-hosted). Why are you doing so on WordPress instead of BlogSpot ot Tumblr? The simple answer is, it provides more flexibility. Other answer is, you want to keep going with your blog and want to see it as a next generation blog. This simple thing also happen with private forum. Most of the developers join a private forum by spending money. Hence, you will get more knowledge (or flexibility) from them.

Experience has value:

An experienced developer has learnt something by doing tons of mistakes and now he is doing that correctly. That's why he/she don't want to reveal that secret at public place for free. Do you ever heard about a school where students don't have to pay? I know your answer, No. So, why are thinking that a private forum can fulfill your query by 100%?

Free Stuffs:

In some private forum, you will get some premium stuffs like WordPress plugin, theme etc. for free. All those plugins/themes have been developed by experienced coders. So, always they are SEO friendly and beneficial.

I have realized these three points after joining to a private forum. Did you ever join to a private forum? If yes, what are thinking about that forum?

Do share your view with us to help our readers.

Image Credit:- Free Digital Photos